Zac Poonen

Zac Poonen
Zac Poonen

Zac Poonen was formerly an Indian Naval Officer who has been serving the Lord in India for more than 58 years.

The Lord has planted many churches through him and his coworkers, in many parts of India and in other countries.

He has written more than 30 books in English - that have been translated into many languages.

More than 2500 video-messages of his are available on this CFC website and on YouTube - in English and in other languages

Like all the other elders in CFC churches, Zac Poonen also supports himself and his family through his personal resources and has never received any salary for his services to CFC. He does not receive any royalty for any of his books published by CFC, Bangalore.

His wife, Dr. Annie Poonen, is a medical doctor who has helped many women medically, freely, during the past 50 years. She has also written 4 books for young girls and women.

Zac and Annie Poonen have 4 sons - all of whom are active members of CFC churches in their localities

For Zac Poonen's personal testimony, go to the following link: The Day Of Small Beginnings

Your Decisions Determine What You Become
Every single minute, we are making decisions! Right or wrong!

Wedding of Zac & Annie Poonen, 1968
Hearing God's voice, getting God's choice

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Three Marks Of A Spiritual Man
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